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Physics course of study that is re-oriented to the wants of Circuital branches of graduate engineering
courses offered by JNTUniv.Kkd. that is a transit to know the branch specific
advanced topics. The courses are designed to:
• Impart data of Physical Optics phenomena like Interference, optical phenomenon and
Polarization involving needed to style instruments with higher resolution.
• Teach ideas of coherent sources, its realization and utility optical instrumentation.
• Study the ideas concerning the majority response of materials to the EM fields and their
analytically study within the back-drop of basic quantum physics.
• perceive the physics of Semiconductors and their operating mechanism for his or her utility
in sensors.


INTERFERENCE: Principle of Superposition – Coherent Sources – Interference in
thin films (reflection geometry) – Newton’s rings – construction and fundamental principle of


DIFFRACTION: Fraunhofer optical phenomenon at single slit – Cases of double slit, N-slits &
Circular Aperture (Qualitative treatment only)-Grating equation – resolution of a
grating, Telescope and Microscopes.


POLARIZATION: forms of Polarization – strategies of production – Nicol prism –
Quarter wave plate and [*fr1] Wave plate – working rule of polariscope
LASERS: Characteristics– excited emission – Einstein’s Transition ProbabilitiesPumping schemes – Ruby optical device – He atomic number 10 optical device.


ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS: Scalar and Vector Fields – electrical PotentialGradient, Divergence of fields – Gauss and Stokes theorems-Propagation of EM waves
through nonconductor medium.


QUANTUM MECHANICS: Introduction – Matter waves – Schröedinger Time
Independent and Time Dependent wave equations – Particle during a box.
FREE ELECTRON THEORY: Defects of Classical negatron theory –Quantum
Free electron theory – thought of Fermi Energy.

I Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3


BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS: Bloch’s theorem (qualitative) – Kronig – Penney model
– energy bands in crystalline solids – classification of crystalline solids– effective mass
of lepton of hole.
SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS: physical phenomenon – Density of carriers in Intrinsic and
Extrinsic semiconductors – Drift & Diffusion – connexion of Einstein’s equation- Hall
effect in semiconductors
Outcome: Construction and dealing details of instruments, ie., measuring device, Diffractometer
and polariscope ar learnt. Study EM-fields and semiconductors below the ideas of
Quantum mechanics paves approach for his or her optimum utility.

Text Books:

  1. A Text book of Engineering Physics – by Dr. M.N.Avadhanulu and Dr.P.G.Kshira
    sagar, S.Chand & Company Ltd., (2014)
  2. ‘Solid State Physics’ by A.J.Dekker, rate Millan Publishers (2011)
  3. Engineering Physics by D.K.Bhattacharya and Poonam Tandon, Oxford press (2015)
    Reference Books:
  4. Applied Physics by P.K.Palanisamy, Scitech publications (2014)
  5. Lasers and Non-Linear optics by B.B.Laud, New Age International Publishers (2008).
  6. Engineering Physics by M. Arumugam, Anuradha Publication (2014)

Also Download the Remaining Subjects Lecture Notes of Btech Jntuk:

English – I (Updated)

Mathematics – I

Mathematics – II (Mathematical Methods)

Computer Programming(CP)(Updated)

Engineering Drawing (Updated)