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Vision of the Department:

The vision of the department is to supply internationally competent professionals with sound technical data, analysis skills and values to deal with current and future challenges of the trade, contributory to the transformation of the society.

The Mission of the Department is to:

Impart quality education in technology and engineering through innovative teaching and learning methodologies.
Conduct trade prepared talent development programs to bridge the gap between academe and trade to supply competitive software package technocrats.
Promote analysis through progressive facilities and interaction with the trade.
Inculcate values within the students to form them socially committed professionals

Program instructional Objectives (PEOs):

To produce expert and competent technology & Engineering graduates with a robust foundation in Science and Engineering and Technology to achieve success in their skilled careers.
To make graduates capable of feat technical data in core areas and use fashionable tools to unravel globe issues.
To instill necessary social control and thereforeft skills that facilitate develop entrepreneurship and leadership qualities so on manufacture competent professionals with moral values.
To make graduates Innovative thinkers and life-long self-learners.


Engineering Graduates are going to be ready to:

Engineering data: Apply the knowledge of arithmetic, science, engineering fundamentals, associated an engineering specialization to the answer of advanced engineering
Problem analysis: determine, formulate, review analysis literature, and analyze advanced engineering issues reaching verified conclusions victimisation initial principles of arithmetic, natural sciences, and engineering
Design/development of solutions: style solutions for advanced engineering issues and style system elements or processes that meet the required desires with acceptable thought for the general public health and safety, and therefore the cultural, societal, and environmental concerns.
Conduct investigations of advanced problems: Use analysis-based data and research ways together with style of experiments, analysis and interpretation of knowledge, and synthesis of the data to produce valid
Modern tool usage: produce, select, and apply acceptable techniques, resources, associated fashionable engineering and IT tools together with prediction and modeling to advanced engineering activities with an understanding of the
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning hep by the discourse data to assess social, health, safety, legal and cultural problems and therefore the subsequent responsibilities relevant to the skilled engineering
Environment and sustainability: perceive the impact of the skilled engineering solutions in social and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the data of, and wish for property


Apply moral principles and conceive to skilled ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering.

Individual and team work:

Perform effectively as a private, and as a member or leader in various groups, and in multidisciplinary.


Communicate effectively on advanced engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at massive, such as, having the ability to grasp and write effective reports and style documentation, build effective shows, and provides and receive clear.

Project management and finance:

Demonstrate data and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in an exceedingly team, to manage comes and in multidisciplinary

Life-long learning:

Acknowledge the requirement for, and have the preparation and skill to have interaction in freelance and life-long learning within the broadest context of technological



Programming Skills: determine needed information structures, style appropriate algorithms, develop and maintain software package for globe issues.


Computing Paradigms: perceive the biological process changes in computing paradigms and apply data supported context to satisfy challenges of the long run.



Computer Networks(CN) (Updated)

Data Mining

Web Technologies(WT) (Updated)

Software Testing Methodologies

Open Elective:
i. Artificial Intelligence
ii. Social Networks and Semantic Web
iii.Digital Signal Processing
iv.Embbeded Systems
v. Robotics
vi.Operations Research


Cryptography and Network Security

Mobile Computing

Data Ware Housing and Business Intelligence

Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis

i. Big Data Analytics
ii. Information Retrieval Systems
iii. Internet of Things
iv. Multimedia Programming

i. Cloud Computing
ii. Software Project Management
iii. Machine Learning
iv. Decision Support System


Distributed Systems (Updated)

Management Science (Updated)

Management Information System

i. Concurrent and Parallel Programming
ii. Cyber Security
iii. Artificial Neural Networks
iv. Software Quality Assurance