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Engineering Mechanics Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-1,1-2 CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,CE,MECH

Engineering Mechanics Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-1,1-2 CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,CE,MECH

Engineering Mechanics


The scholars finishing this course ar expected to know the ideas of
forces and its resolution in numerous planes, resultant of force system, Forces engaged on a body,
their free body diagrams mistreatment graphical strategies. they’re needed to know the ideas
of centre of gravity and moments of inertia and their application, Analysis of frames and trusses,
different types of motion, friction and application of labor – energy methodology.


Objectives: the scholars ar to be exposed to the ideas of force and friction, direction
and its application.
Introduction to Engg. Mechanics – Basic ideas.
Systems of Forces: planar synchronal Forces – parts in area – Resultant – Moment
of Force and its Application – Couples and Resultant of Force Systems.
Friction: Introduction, limiting friction and at hand motion, coulomb’s laws of dry friction,
coefficient of friction, cone of friction


Objectives: the scholars ar to be exposed to application of free body diagrams. Solution
to issues mistreatment graphical strategies and law of triangle of forces.
Equilibrium of Systems of Forces: Free Body Diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium of planar
Systems, spacial Systems for synchronal forces. Lamis Theorm, Graphical methodology for the
equilibrium of planar forces, Converse of the law of Triangle of forces, converse of the law of
polygon of forces condition of equilibrium, analysis of plane trusses.


Objectives : the scholars ar to be exposed to ideas of centre of gravity.
Centroid: Centroids of easy figures (from basic principles ) – Centroids of Composite Figures
Centre of Gravity: Centre of gravity of easy body (from basic principles), centre of gravity of
composite bodies, calyx theorems.


Objective: the scholars ar to be exposed to ideas of moment of inertia and polar
moment of inertia as well as transfer strategies and their applications.
Area moments of Inertia: Definition – Polar Moment of Inertia, Transfer Theorem, Moments
of Inertia of Composite Figures, product of Inertia, Transfer Formula for Product of Inertia.
Mass Moment of Inertia: Moment of Inertia of plenty, Transfer Formula for Mass Moments of
Inertia, mass moment of inertia of composite bodies.

I Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3


Objectives: the scholars are to be exposed to motion in line and in curving
paths, its speed and acceleration computation and strategies of representing plane motion.
Kinematics: one-dimensional and Curve linear motions – speed and Acceleration – Motion of Rigid
Body – varieties and their Analysis in coplanar Motion. Kinetics: Analysis as a Particle and Analysis
as a Rigid Body in Translation – Central Force Motion – Equations of Plane Motion – mounted
Axis Rotation – Rolling Bodies.


Objectives: the scholars ar to be exposed to ideas of labor, energy and particle motion
Work – Energy Method: Equations for Translation, Work-Energy Applications to Particle
Motion, Connected System-Fixed Axis Rotation and Plane Motion. Impulse momentum methodology.

Text Books :

  1. Engg. Mechanics – S.Timoshenko & D.H.Young., 4th Edn – , Mc Graw Hill publications.
  2. Engineering Mechanics statics and dynamics – R.C.Hibbeler, eleventh Edn – Pearson
  3. Engineering Mechanics, statics – J.L.Meriam, sixth Edn – Wiley Bharat Pvt Ltd.
  4. Engineering Mechanics, statics and dynamics – I.H.Shames, – Pearson Publ.
  5. Mechanics For Engineers, statics – F.P.Beer & E.R.Johnston – fifth Edn Mc Graw Hill
  6. Mechanics For Engineers, dynamics – F.P.Beer & E.R.Johnston –5th Edn Mc Graw
    Hill Publ.
  7. Theory of engineering mechanics, statics & dynamics – E.W.Nelson,
    C.L.Best & W.G. McLean, fifth Edn – Schaum’s define series – Mc Graw Hill Publ.
  8. Singer’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics And Dynamics, K. Vijay Kumar Reddy, J.
    Suresh Kumar, Bachelor of Science Publications
  9. Engineering Mechanics, Fedinand . L. Singer, instrumentalist – Collins.
  10. Engineering Mechanics statics and dynamics , A Nelson , Mc Graw Hill